Do you know the moment you found true happiness? I do. I have had many happy moments. My wedding, the day my first and second babies were born, when my nieces were born. All of those are happy moments and I will never forget them. But there is one moment in my life that was a simple yet defining moment for me. It was the day after we came home from the hospital with Emma. It was a beautiful day, the doors were open, my mom was there, Avery was running around playing and I was sitting on the sofa holding Emma. When Greg passed by I just started to cry. He asked what was wrong and I looked at him and smiled and said I am just "happy". I have an amazing family and I don't think I knew what true happiness was until that exact moment and my life has never been the same. It may not seem like much to some but it was huge to me. So here are some pictures of my happiness.
Awww... I was really happy (and hormonal, LOL) after I came home with Ava too:)